Dr. Syed Haider: My experience using ivermectin and fluvoxamine in 4000 acute COVID-19 patients: 5 hospitalized. 0 dead. 4000 recovered. 5 pharmacist threats. 1 medical board complaint. 1 lawyer retained. Hundreds of medication transfers for pharmacist refusals.
Pharmacist: that dose of ivermectin is too high I wont dispense it. Me: you're not a doctor, you can't make medical decisions. dispense the prescription. Pharmacist: if you want to help your patient then prescribe a lower dose that I'm comfortable with.
Adventures in the gold
Welcome to an adventure in real places around the globe and imaginary ones created by the might of inner impressions. I hope you will discover unique perspectives and cutting edge ideas, also relevant to your walk on our beautiful planet.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Ivermectin results
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Granny's Love
I was 17 years old when I gave birth to my first daughter. I lived with my granny. One day my daughter got a diaper rash. I was getting ready to put desitin on it, when granny stopped me. She had me follow her to the kitchen. She put some stuff into a pan, turned it golden brown, placed it in a bowl, then told me to powder my baby's bum with it each time I changed her. She informed me that the rash would be gone within 24hours. Reluctantly I did as I was told to. Each time I changed the diaper, I noticed the rash disappeared more. By the 10th diaper the rash had healed completely. I have used this, not only on my children, but hundreds of children that I have cared for throughout the years. I have only experienced 2 children not take to it. My 2nd oldest, whom we found out has a skin disease, and my 11th child who was allergic to the brand of diaper, but upon changing diaper brands, she took to it. No babies have experienced breathing difficulties from this. Such a simple homemade remedy, that I have yet to see fail, with no health risks thus far.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
What can we do to protect ourselves from dangerous EMF?
In a previous article i have published the potential health effects of the current Wifi technologies, and of the future 5G which is desired to be implemented in many countries, at an alarming speed and without further testing. The article about the Wifi studies which have already been published in scientific journals can be read here, and if you only want to read the studies then this is the link for you:
Since our health can't wait for the politicians to decide to make a move, we must act sooner then later, and i know that business is slow these days and governments are too slow to open up the small and medium businesses.
What can we really do to protect ourselves?
We can choose from a set of different types of products, which are proven to be effective, and not because i say they are but tested properly and having sound scientific data to back them up, which you can investigate. The products and more important the company can be seen at this link: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/store/AUL651/
For an update, also watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2f9kfLcMHS5D/
1. Aulterra™ Energy Pendant
- Restructuring of the Bio-field to it’s natural state.
- Promotes balance of the body meridians.
- Neutralizes EMF radiation from internal body systems restoring the natural unwinding and rewinding of DNA.
- Retunes ambient EMF’s in and around the body.
Buy this pendant from here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/pendant/AUL651/
2. Aulterra Enhance
Neutralizes the Effects of Heavy Metals and Toxins in the Body
“ . . . clearly demonstrate the ability of the energy from Aulterra’s Enhance powder to neutralize the toxic effect of copper on human DNA.” (1)
Enhance Optimizes DNA Function

Aulterra’s Enhance Helps You Achieve Greater Health and Balance
- Activate DNA
- Enhance cellular activity
- Neutralize toxic substances
- Reverse cellular aging
Buy this product from here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/ENHANCE/AUL651/
3. The Neutralizer – 3x Pack
Patented, Tested and Proven Technology
The Only Product that Neutralizes 100% of the Detrimental Effects from EMFs on Human DNA!
Studies like the UC Irvine Experiment have confirmed that The Neutralizer does actually do just that, neutralizes EMFs, making them harmless to our bodies. This is because all particles coexist as waves and waves as particles. It is also a known fact that can neither be created nor destroyed, but can change form. Toxic substances made of subatomic particles that also exist in wave form.
What Makes the Neutralizer Work?
Another way of looking at the coexistence of particles and waves is to say the matter oscillates between particle and wave form. This way, depending upon the detection technology, energy can be ‘caught’ in the safe form.
Bio-electromagnetic researcher, Glen Rein, has suggested a possible mechanism to explain the protective effect of the Neutralizer. He states that
“…the natural coherent energy emanating from Aulterra [Enhance} neutralized the incoherent energy from the man-made EMFs, rendering it harmless to human DNA.”
| The Neutralizer is made up of three micro-thin layers of rare activated earth elements. |
Studies Prove Cell Phone Radiation Causes Damage to DNA
A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the “first few minutes, . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs.” 2 The effect of this damage has been linked to cancer, memory loss and even sterility.
Even using an ear-piece will not keep you out of danger from EMF exposure, because ear pieces’ act like “conduits” to funnel as much as three times the harmful radiation to your brain
The Neutralizer™
The Neutralizer is effective against harmful EMF/RF radiation with any style of cellular phone.
- Any antenna style
- Any brand or model
- Digital, analog or dual mode phones
- New models as well as older styles
The Neutralizer™ Works on Other EMF Radiating Devices Too!
The Neutralizer™ is Easy To Use:
Just Stick it on and You’re Protected.
There’s no complicated installation procedure with the Neutralizer. The adhesive backed disc will stick to almost any surface and provide you with constant protection for as long as it remains on the device. Just apply it to any relatively flat, smooth surface on your cellular phone, or other device and you can feel confident again. |
Protection for your Entire Family
The reasonably priced Neutralizer will be a small price to pay for the safety and peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your loved ones are safe from the harmful effects of EMF exposure.
The Neutralizer comes as a single disc pack or a tri-pack (3 discs) for your multiple devices, or a Whole House Plug for your entire home or work space.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Many people may already have immunity to coronavirus, German study finds
As of Monday morning, Germany had over 100,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and over 1,500 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
READ ALSO: Germany plans mass study to track immunity to coronavirus
We already know that individuals develop antibodies after being infected with the novel coronavirus, explained virologists Melanie Brinkmann, from the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig, and Friedemann Weber from the Institute for Virology at the University of Gießen.
Based on what we know from similar viruses, the body responds to infection by building antibodies to prevent reinfection, they said.
According to Berlin virologist Christian Drosten, it takes about 10 days for antibodies to form after a person is infected with the novel coronavirus.
A blood test can then determine whether or not a patient has developed antibodies, “regardless of whether they had a severe, mild, or completely unnoticed infection,” Drosten said in an NDR podcast last week.
Even those who have had a completely unnoticed infection will test positive for the antibody.
Germany is currently considering so-called "immunity passports" which would allow people to return to a normal life sooner - or even volunteer to help coronavirus patients due to the lower risk that they face.
How long does immunity last?
Experience with other coronaviruses in humans suggests that the immune protection will last for one to two years after infection.
“In all likelihood, someone who has been infected with the Sars-CoV-2-Virus is protected from renewed infection for at least a few years," said Thomas Kamradt, President of the German Society for Immunology.
Still, it is not possible to know this for certain, since the antibody tests are just now coming out and long term studies are not possible given that the virus has only been known for a few months.
The amount of time that a person would have protection from reinfection depends on the rate at which the concentration of the antibodies in the blood, known as the antibody titer, decreases. The higher the concentration, or titer, the higher the number of antibodies, and thus the stronger the protection from renewed infection.
READ ALSO: How German scientists hope to find answers in country's worst-hit spot
According to Kamradt, it would be “extremely unusual” if the antibodies produced against the novel coronavirus did not protect from renewed infection.
However, Matthais Orth, Medical Director at the Institute for Laboratory Medicine at the Marienhospital Stuttgart, noted that it is not yet possible to say for certain whether or not the antibodies will protect against reinfection.
There is also uncertainty about what concentration of antibodies is necessary to protect against renewed infection.
According to Brinkmann and Weber, it will also be interesting to study the antibody titers of people with different experiences with the disease.
This will also clarify the question of whether individuals with particularly difficult courses with the virus have formed antibodies at all or, as they put it: “Was the course so difficult precisely because there were no antibodies formed yet?”
They hope that further research will also answer the question of when specific antibodies are formed in the course of the infection.
Giving the “green light”
Brinkmann and Weber also believe it is very important to identify reliable antibody tests and use them across a wide area. It is essential to identify the undisclosed number of unrecorded cases.
That would help to recognize how many individuals have already had the infection unnoticed, and therefore how high the basic immunity of the population is already.
According to statistical projections, around 60 to 70 percent of the population must be infected before the pandemic wave comes to a standstill on its own - without protective vaccination.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
What is the big picture?
The virus is more of a psychological nature, it is created by perception and isolation, prison like environments create mental viruses where our minds start to run wild with untruths and artificial way of living. Prison is not a place for mental health but mental breakdown.
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