Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Why i like and don't like Disturbed

First of all the song Prayer is genius and offers so much of the lead vocalist Draiman, that the first time i listened to it i felt that the Rapture, the reaping of Souls or the Apocalipse is happening right in front of me. Also, the light in the video seemed like an Annunaki ritual, dark and misterious, something to provoke fear and admiration. Of course, this is not what really happens in the minds of the artists. Art is not equal to personal beliefs. Catharsis comes from accepting and embracing the deep nature of human psyche, from embracing the animal and the occult. I believe this ideea is shown beautifully in the song and video called The Animal, which is super pagan. The feast is not evil and in many ways i believe it is more respectfull then modern society which pretends to be correct and builds many taboos around the perceived occult. What others critique the band for, i believe it is their strength, the power and rage of the lyrics that provoke the purification of pity and fear. Their newer material though seems to be made more for the fans, loosing some of the piercing edge of the vocals and more towards soothing the pain of the fans. Which is very noble, although i believe no one should be or be seen as a Savior by others.  I will explain

Personally, i wouldn't want someone to write this and i quote:  " I'm an injured firefighter and was considering taking my life tonight. This song came on the radio in my truck so I had to pull it up on youtube. I don't think this happened by chance tonight. Thank you Disturbed".

I believe most of the persons who wish to take their life project a lot of negative emotions on the persons around them, especially on the loved one which suffers just as much. If you are the boyfriend or girlfriend of a person who wishes to take his or her life, your life is not easy at all. Since no one wants to be The Saviour, the boyfriend or girlfriend should be by default. And who wants to be in this role? I know i wouldn't want to be.

Draiman does a noble thing making the video Inside the Fire and talking in a very balanced manner about his former girlfriend who took her own life, even though she was a drug addicted person who got him into hard drugs. I'm not sure this attitude of the Savior is adequate, not because of him but because of the expectations and standards of the belief systems. What if you don't want to be the Saviour and you do know of a person who is contemplating suicide? Why should you carry the burden, and it is a burden, of the one who should act? And be the one to blame for your perceived inaction. Society reinforces guilt, and why should the person next to the person who is contemplating suicide should bear the burden of knowing? I apreciate what Disturbed is doing as a band but real life is a bit different in some situations. First of all, the police has something to say which is not positive at all, the police has something to say to the person "closest" to the one who is contemplating suicide. Even the question "Did you know that person X was contemplating suicide?" is ghoulish, implying that you should be doing something if "you knew". I find this attitude despicable. I know most of the ones listening to Disturbed music are honest but others are not. This is my main critique to the band and the music.

In a positive note "Sometimes darkness can show you the light".

1 comment:

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