Water is life, water is profundity and water was awesome under the schorching Helios sun. It was so hot, i started to get burned while even wearing a hat and using sun protection. If i would've been smart, then i could have used a Microfiber Cooling Towel, but i didn't. Some things are learned by getting burned.

The rod of Asclepius remains a symbol of medicine today. Sitting near his temples and sanctuaries in total awe, i was cured of any affliction. Asclepius temple is in a meadow, which you can see on the right covered with grass.
The water was so pristine that i wanted to make myself a juice on the spot, but didn't have the right tools in my backpack. I am a big fan of squezed lemon juice and definitely wish i had this Fruit Infuser Bottle with me.
I saw a lot of animals in my trip and many of them have lightly bitten me in the Aegean sea, but surprisingly i haven't seen owls. In Greek mythology, a little owl (Athene noctua) traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, perspicacity and erudition. I wish i would keep the light of wisdom alive even in the blackest nights with the special Owl Nightlamp

I wish you all a good relaxation.
That moss is making me thirsty and hungry for soul food, longing to experience the mystic, the fenomenal, I imagined myself in Avalon, being a sorceress of ancient times past. I also felt it was about something else than explicitly painted in movies. In movies those women are at most misterious matrons. What I felt was simple, as if everything was inspired by lets say the movement and smell of grass in 50 degrees celsius, the feeling of trowing myaelf in the swamp of flowers and clover, the washing of long braid hair in ambrodia leaves. I felt like a robot jn comparison of how those women experienced mother nature and yet there was the rememberance of past lives that gave me the tools to relate, understand, feel what thry felt. I know I was there.