Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What is the best routine/morning routine to get fit?

A few years ago i had a very poor fitness level because of toxic habbits like drinking and smoking, over sleeping and insomnia, unhealthy eating habbits and chaotic training programs. I would try to be in the best shape i could during a single most important day, running for 20 km for example, or doing a few hundred pull-ups, the only result being that i was very tired the next day. I learned that i's better to work less and do more. 30 min a day everyday is better then 6 hours in a crazy day of physical excess.

In the past i was always counting the exercises and  repetitions which is not necesarly a bad thing, but i felt stuck in a numbering format i didn't like anymore. 

A good morning routine for me is to get up from the bed as fast as possible, go towards my home bike and drink a coffee while exercising at low level dificulty. I put emphasis on the legs first, and i feel less tired because i got stronger in that body part through constant practice. Of course, ideally the whole body is to be viewed holistically as a genius apparatus of pure precision. I believe it is easier to start with the legs, and to me it doesn’t feel like working at all. It is an awesome way to feel, well, amaizing, since i expect to use the legs all day.

After the lower body i sometimes go up towards the abdomen. I use a few aplications to do the abs exercises, which i don't particulary like to do, but they are usefull, and i keep track of the progress. Abs are not that hard as they look.

The movements i do are not always predefined, and i often  practice yoga plus stretching to vastly improve mobility and flexibility. 

Later in the day while i work, i do some pushups diverse exercises, covering more muscles then just a few of them with high intensity training. I like to change the routines and get creative, in the same time working to improve my health and concentration, which in turn i believe improves my fitness level. I can do around 1000 different types of pushups if i plan to use that day for chest training.  It is important to do the workout corectly, so i continuously check my posture and the not to do like sitting too much time on the chair. 

Driking water is esential for a healthy body and mind too, and i drink at least 3 litres every day: H2O Fruit Infuser Sports Bottle

1 comment:

  1. Had no idea about the inner perspective of the past vs. Present. Way to go! Great realisations and even more excellent to follow!
