Thursday, March 5, 2020

All of my answers to fitness and workout related questions

I was walking every day to school for 8 years and still there was no progress in my endurance, strength, fitness level and i wasn’t necessarily feeling better. It wasn’t enaugh for me. I want to feel excellent, to feel that i have conquered a fear and worked my way up. Otherwise, how would i know what is enaugh if i don’t test myself? I still like to walk a lot and think that i am exercising, i haven’t achieved my goal but in the upper body part i am training a lot. I love to train in nature, with the help of a tree.
I know it is harder for guys to do leg day but really it is all mental. Leg day is actually the same as shoulders day or whatever day. The muscles in the legs are not significantly different. Men don’t have a leg handicap. And so on. It is all in the mind.
Having said this, today i will do a lot of squats.
Later edit: i did a few hundred squats. I feel great. Some muscle pains but nothing to worry.

In my view, the best exercise is the pullups. You’ll get bigger shoulders, aesthetic look, much more power, harmonoius development, everything. Pullups are a bit harder to master but well worth it. Remember, if you cant do them yet try and do the negative pullups. Doing the negatives will eventually enable you to do the positives.
My results with 200 pullups a day. I am satisfied by the size and strength of my shoulders, as you can see in the photo. Also, i do the pullups using different types of grip and different positions, even training with the help of tree. Being asymetric, the trees offer a different type of challenge plus i get to admire the beauty of nature.
This is from a daily trip of mine when i was training and admiring the sunset.
Having strong shoulders allows you to do the normal day to day activities with much more ease and relaxation. It will give you the extra power you need. Even if you can’t do one single pullup, if you persist and are vigurous and determined you will succeed and it is an awesome feeling.
Having strong shoulders will allow you to sit straight up with much more ease.
Edit: One good exercise for the shoulders, surprisingly is the squats. I have found out that they are super effective for harmonious shoulders.

Yes. And to me, the best pullups are those that use the whole body. I don’t believe in that nonsense of “don’t use your legs”. No way. The ideea is to engage as many muscles as possible. Yes, posture is important and all the other rules, except the isolationist rule.
I like to use my legs and also to train in nature. I see some people here believe that you are less if you use more muscles. I couldn’t care less. I don’t care about the US military and people from the states who believe they know how a pushup is done correctly. I have my view, you have yours and respectfully that is where the discussion ends.
Later edit: today i did 300 pullups. It was a good day this monday.

An average person from today can do zero pullups. Or less then 1, if we count the decimals. An average person from more then 100 years ago could do above 1 pullup.
I can do a few hundred pullups with the method of training in the park. But really is not about the number but the quality of life. You can do zero pullups and still live a healthy and beautiful life.
Is my answer helpfull?
Today i did 300 pullups. I feel good.

They are as good, the negative movement of the positive one, and i recommend you do the negative even if you master the positive. I do around 200 pullups in a day, in fact i am training now as i’m taking a break. Remember, doing a lot of negatives will eventually allow you to do the positive, in any movement. Also, if you are almost close in doing the positive form but not quite there, you can do a half form and also use an assistance band. I am close in doing a good form muscle up, but not quite there. A medium form one i can do with relative ease.
Also, i think i discovered, during the exercises you can rest looking at the sky, appreaciating the beauty of the world and still be able to do your routine. A lot of people say, be commited to the exercise and that gives results of course, but you are also missing on on something, just like missing out the fact that mastering the negative will always bring you the positive.
I like to do my pullups in the nature, to not be influenced by the gym mentality. Also, it is more challenging.
Edit: I would like you to comment and see if my answer helped you. Did it? I am curious to know. Knowledge without practice is just a wind passing by.
Edit 2: today, 2 march, i did 300 pullups.
Drop an upvote if my content helped you

100 is the magic number or 120. The number of your fingers times 10 or 12. For growth, the number of the fingers and toes multiplied by 10 or 12.
Around 300.

I can answer you from my perspective of doing pullups everyday. Waiting time, between 24 and 36 hours max. At first, it seemed impossible. At first, meaning first month. I was tired all the time. I have also observed that my muscle growth is mininum and even now at the end of the second month, its mininum.
But something happened also. I am much less tired and do more then 200 pullups daily. Today i did 300. And not only pullups.
What happens? If you don’t wait and train, yes it will hard. Yes, if you make a mistake one day and train the next day (i made a mistake yesterday, with eating sleep habbits) it will seem very punishing. Some might say unwise and stopping growth.
Only waiting 24–36 hours means that you are telling to yourself “ i cant make mistakes”. Youll get this attitude. The growth is good too. Before i could barely do 10 correct pullups, after 2 months, training everyday i do over 200 daily, 5 clean pullups in a set. I can do 10 max without too much effort, and take into consideration the fact that i train daily for 2 months now. I think as far as strength is concerned, this is excellent growth. Muscles, minimum.
This method is not for everyone but i think it has a lot of pluses and some minuses. The major minus, which is psychological, is that i don’t feel i’m advancing, since it’s a slow and consistent progress but when i sum up the results, i see it is quite a good result.
Also, i wouldn’t be able to do my workout so consistently without the help of nature and of trees.
Looking around at nature, breathing the air, feeling the wind and drinking the sun boosts the energy a lot more then going to the gym. You can train every day, and hard. Yesyterday i did 300 pullups, and not only pullups.
Later edit: Today i have done 50 pullups, to keep up my training program.
Edit 2: Today i have worked out lightly and 24 hours have passed. I feel i could work out with no problems, just to do my daily routine. The problem now is that if i don’t work out my energy drops. So, the daily workout becomes a must. Interesting how things change, first i was super tired now i get more tired if i dont work out every day.
Edit 3: today, 2 march i trained hard, not rested more then 24 hours and i feel great

If you work out every day and if you can keep the pace for a long period of time, you will develop your endurance and stamina preety substantially. I work out strong every day. The hardest exercise i do is the pullups, and every day i do over 100 of them, with the average of 200 a day. How long can i maintain this pace? This is the first time i work out Every day, something new to me, so i don’t know. The first month was very difficult. I am at the end of the second now. I had to quit a few energy draining habbits in order to keep up the pace. I find this beneficial and i don’t feel i’m missing something since i replaced those habbits with some good ones. I don’t think that drinking Jaggermeister once a week on Saturday will impede my progress for example. I don’t believe in being too strict. I also watch porn from time to time.
Maby by the 3rd month i’ll have to do a few new tricks to keep the pace up and progress also. Maby the everyday strong workout schedule can’t be maintained for long. I’ll see. My energy levels are up now and i will continue to train everyday.
Also, what i do is to take time to watch the sun, the sky and really connect with nature
This is a photo with the liquid golden sky taken a few hours ago, in a break while i was doing my pullups with the help of a magnolia tree. 90% of my training is in nature now, even if it is winter. I prefer to do my pullups with the help of a branch then with the help of steel. It is harder but more rewarding most of the time.
Edit: Today i was feeling a bit down with the energy but as i walked outside i began to feel super invigorated. Amaizing what a strong wind can do, bringing more oxigen. To me, it was very good for recovery.
Edit2: Today i kept my daily workout even if it is saturday and spending time with my girlfriend.
Edit3: Today i was sitting at the computer mostly and i have observed my energy started to drop a litle if i sit on the chair constantly. I will work out in no time.
Edit 4: 300 pullups today, 2 march
I work out daily, 200 pullups, no gear, i feel great. Maximum gains? I don’t care. I just feel good. If i do 5 pullups i would feel good. Why? Because my worth doesn’t come from the workout. Do i have goals? Big time. I wish to increase my daily energy and income. And things are moving out well. Can’t wait to walk in the nature tommorow and train. I like to do my trainings in nature, it gives me peace and balance. Nature is the best.

I will write from my experience, and by the way i am in the park training and taking a break now to write. When i was a teenager and went to the gym i took protein shakes sporadically and gained muscle fast. As i stopped training my gains were mostly lost. Today i train daily, doing 300 pullups in one session and i feel strong too. I don’t focus on the size of the muscles but the health of my organism. Big muscles are not necesarry to do the routine, and they will come as you are consistent and train everyday, also with your bad habbits taken out. Releasing those bad habbits gave me more energy to do the exercises and a faster recovery rate. I have muscle goals too and i know i will achieve. It is all about an aesthetic form which works for me. I’m going back to my pullups now.
Later edit. Our life on planet Earth is preety limited and in our quest to live our days, we forget the beauty of our world. So, for me it is also important to see this beauty and enjoy it while i train in the nature. Remember to smile and to enjoy your day. At the end of our road probably we wont remember the size of anything, but the feeling of achievement will stay forever.
Edit: I was thinking today if i should eat meat or not, because i believe that i need the protein. I feel the urge a little bit but i think i will eat fruit. And today i did only 50 pullups. I feel good not eating too much meat.
Day 2 edit: One way to gain muscle is to use magnets. This will improve your energy which means a stronger workout and with good nutrition means more muscle growth.

The simplest exercise which balances the proportions of your body is the pullups. Yes, even if you are a girl.
I am doing 200 pullups daily. I feel good and i like how my body looks. Yeah, maby i would want bigger forearms but i am satisfied.
I have other interests too, i like to read a lot. And art is another interest. So, switch to the upper body exercises.

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Maby because you haven’t done a proper warmup? I do around 200 pullups daily and if i am not properly warm up, my strength fades. I would like you to comment on my article if this is the reason you believe you lose strength. If this is not the reason, i would like you to be honest and say no. Knowledge wont let you advance without practice. I, or anyone, can write tomes of info but if you are not willing to put anything in practice then its just knowledge.
Also, pullups are not easy but you should not loose strength that quickly. If you do loose strength try training in the nature, see the difference.

I do them every day for 1 month and i feel great. Today, even if it sunday i did 60 pullups. I am not too tired, i was in the begining. Also, i do as many pullups as i can, not pushing my body too much. If it is too hard, i practice the negative forms as well and with a lower number of reps. I watch the sky, the earth and try to feel good. I was training even if it was raining. I prefer to use the trees to do my pullups. The average number of pullups per day is 200. I try to read as much as possible on the subject and in my breaks too. Knowledge leads to muscles and power.

I do around 200 pullups and 200 pushups daily, every day since 1 month now. And other exercises. Is it healthy? Yes. Is it easy? Not at all. Until now, and it is 4 pm i have done 70 pullups and 20 pushups. I feel much better after i hit the 200 mark. I don’t use steroids, for muscle repair i use magnets. I feel ok, it is challenging but worth the effort.
I don’t feel that i am overtraining since i do 5 repetitions per set and i train outside. When i start to feel the effort i take a short break. Then do some writing and go again. I still can do a lot, i dont have to do a lot in one go. I don’t think that is a good ideea.
At the end of the day, when i draw the line i am happy with my achievements. I admire nature and i love my family. My goal here is to release negative emotions. To be a better person.
Since i am working out i found that i have less time to engage in unconstructive thinking.
And it is more healthy to do the everyday pushups and pullups in nature, with the help of nature. DOn't forget to spend time in nature.

Definitely. Narrow grip has its benefits. I use a combination of narrow plus wider grips when i do my pullups. I do around 200 pullups a day. In fact, i am training in this second. Remember to use as many grips as possible. This will improve your grip strength. I am off to do another set of pushups, with narrow grip. Already done 200 pullups. Much strength.
This is me after the training. I did a few pullups at the end of the session using super narrow grip. It was very challenging. I like the fact that you, the person who asked, are interested in self evolution unlike many others who supervise and think they are god. So, thank you for asking.
I also recommend to use an asymmetric grip surface, meaning to train with the help of a tree. This will develop muscles which you haven’t used before and also vastly improve grip power, making it easy to do the narrow grip pullups.
Later edit: Today i tried to use the tight and short grip and still managed to do 60 pullups.

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Pre workout, the best thing to have is the awareness of time, like when you will start the workout, during workout the best thing is to have a notebook and a pen to keep track and after workout the best thing is to take a bath and have sex, or make love. Im not sugesting everything is physical. The best things in my view is to stick to some simple things that work foe you, keeping it simple. If its too hard, go slow. If you are tired, walk in the nature, enjoy the nature.
Always have a bottle of water at you. What i personally do now is a workout in the nature, im doing pullups and i count the reps by putting down the numbers in my notebook. Im off to do another 10
Edit: My thoughts of today go towards the direction of romantic love. The moon is kissing Venus tonight, it is magical. And i am after a workout. Finding time to hold magical thoughts of love is awesome.
Day 2 edit: A nice thing to do after workout is to listen to classic music like Mozart. This improves concentration.

The short answer is nothing before, nothing after. Drink only water or a light juice. You don’t want tour stomach to use the resources intended for the workout. Digestion takes a while to complete so the easiest way to boost your performance is to not eat anything. After the workout, you want your organism to use the resources in the muscle repair area. With this method of not eating i can do 3 strong trainings each day and not get tired the second day when i continue my routine. It realy does make a big difference. If i eat, i have to wait for a while to start the training and this means my plan is off, so i cant keep track the way i wished for in the begining which means less discipline.
Later edit: I was eating a bit too much last night and my abs training was off. Also, i was eating a highly processed food. Which is not good. But i managed to work it out and train in nature.
During the workout i sometimes eat a banana or an apple. After the workout, 1 hour after, i eat one or two apple pies.

When i am out of shape, especially in the morning, i do a set of pushups. The quickest way for me to get into shape is just to go out in the park. It is amaizing what it can do. Even today, i was so out of energy but got outside and already did 200 pullups. Walk among trees, breath the fresh air and start to train. Im outside now training even if its raining.
This is a photo from yesterday. I love it.
I really believe that in order to start the day, the thing that is pleasurable to you will kick off your training. I like trees a lot so whenever i get the chance, i do my pullups with the help of trees
I know, i am not out of shape and the question was targeted to an out of shape person. Well, there is no out of shape per se. You are at the level that you are. The ideea of course is, that if you cant do one type of exercise do a low difficulty version of that exercise (for example instead of pushups do half pushups), and you will get into shape. Nature certainly helps a lot to out you on the fitness path. It is not easy to train outside, because of the weather conditions but well worth it.
Edit: If you look at nature, you will see that it is in perfect shape. And you are in a good shape too, you are walking right? Don’t believe what fitness fanatics or magazines tell you. Health is primary. And you can get a better fitness just by taking the example of nature. Just walk, walk a lot, move the hands, breathe the air. Jump, be like Robin Williams. Yes, he died of depression. No matter. Have the intensity of the wind. Bruce Lee, who was in excelent shape said: Be water my friend. Well? Yes, he had an insane workout regime, training with weights too.
Day 2 edit: When you are not active physically but mentally, sitting at the computer, remember to always keep your back straight. This willl improve your condition and also is a healthy thing to do.

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I will answer from my experience with pullups, and chin ups. I can do 10 clean pullups with my own body weight. If i take a winter jacket on, which by some reason has 2.5 kg, those easy 10 pullups are exponentially harder to do. Its hard to believe, right? If i would put on a 10 kg vest, probably i would struggle even to do 1 correct chin up. Most people have more then 2.5 kg over their ideal weight for pullups. Here is your answer.
First step, lose some weight. How? By doing light cardio and then stronger one. I know, its not easy. I do it less then i would want to. I try to do some exercises in a faster pace.
Also, read a lot. Nothing is too difficult when you have the knowledge.

Even if you overtrain, and you will feel tired, i think it is all right if you take the necesarry measures. I trained both of the muscles for two months now and i feel great. Never had so much energy in a long time. There is also some deep emotional feelings. Being consistent with the training will unlock and deblock some emotions stored in the body. Go all in, and if you are tired, just sit in the nature. After a while you will feel great.
There are also a lot of measures to recover after effort. And i mean natural ones, not taking drugs. I use magnets to speed up my recovery. They work out fine. 

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  1. I do a lot of nature walks, breathing the air, smelling the grass, taking pictures, sun gazing, feeling the wind…
  2. I do my pullups daily with the help of trees. This connects me with nature and i increases my apreciation towards the natural world.
  3. I Keep track of my progress, putting down on paper every rep that i do.
  4. I drink 1 l of 100% natural juice daily
  5. I dont smoke, drink alchohol, and i dont engage in silly social discusions.
  6. I create art and write when i get the chance, remembering that each word written equals 1 repetition of an exercise which is preety accurate as a balance.
  7. I train daily and with my own body weight, doing calisthenics.
  8. Eat less and more often.
  9. As often as i can, i train with the help of a tree. This has a number of advantages, improving grip strength, good for the lungs and it is quite challenging.
  10. I apreciate nature and its beauty. This is a photo i took while working outside.


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